Tom, I love how much your mom is a part of your origin story. That's incredibly sweet. Happy birthday to her!
Mine was also instrumental to who I am. When I was ten years old I showed her a drawing I did of She-Hulk and she said "that's just a guy with boobs" and I realized I still had a lot of work to do
Tom, we see Emma snooping into the lives of some mutants at the end of Exceptional X-Men #1, and among these mutants are Banshee and Bishop. Can we expect more information about them or will we have to wait a little longer? I mean, if they're in any future projects.
I remember you saying something about Sean being in an interesting position on a project that hasn't been announced yet, but that we should hear about by the end of the year. Now I don't remember reading anything about Bishop.
Tom, how were the talks to bring Bobby Drake to Exceptional X-Men? I'm so happy that we finally get to see him again, especially in my new favorite book in From The Ashes. So excited to see what Eve has in store for him.
With the recent news of yet another Chris Claremont X-Men miniseries in the works, I have to ask: have you considered giving him an Infinity ongoing instead? Something with the space and flexibility to let him do the kind of long-form storytelling he's actually famous for, and which isn't dependent on the pressures of the direct market? I'm just saying, if Love Unlimited ran for 70 issues, maybe X-Men Legends could too...
Happy Birthday to your mom! Mine’s ninety, not into sci-fi but a keen mystery fan. On tarot cards: There is more to do with them than predicting futures. There is a game, popular since the Renaissance, called tarrocki Tarot cards were invented for card played in Italy around 1420. (I have no first or even third level authentication on this, so the date’s a mad grab in the dark) roughly around the time when card games with trick taking became populat amoung the wealthy. At about the same time a game called Karnoffel became popular and was played in Germany using ordinary playing cards. You can find directions and rules for play for tarrocki or tarroco on Wikipedia under ‘tarot card games’ or at
My mother is slightly older than yours but she's pure Trekkie too. We went to every opening day for Star Trek and she was there every time. She's even why I was exposed to ST:TNG when it debuted and am a hardcore fan of the franchise to this day.
Some questions about the books tho': I'm probably skipping Phoenix from here on out because I've never been into Marvel cosmic books and it feels more like them than an X-Title. If the title doesn't succeed, do you think you'll go with bringing Jean home or just end it? Jean currently being a Silver Surfer level character has me expecting radical changes.
I'd also like to see even some of the Simone humor in Uncanny. #1 was too bleak and depressing to my taste and devoid of most of Simone's usual dialog that could have dispelled the doom and gloom somewhat. I'm also sorry to say X-Factor left me cold. It seemed like characters were forced to act in ways to support a ham fisted commentary type of plot.
Something that kinda irks me about Spider-Man is how he gets multiple love interests. While I understand that Peter being in relationships with other characters could be fun or interesting, I feel that it often clashes with the whole “relatable guy” aspect. What’s your stance on that?
Happy birthday to you Mom, Tom. Besides the fact that your Mom is super gorgeous at both ages in the pictures you shared, she sounds like a very fun Mum. So, congratulations to you too for having such a wonderful Mom.
Would you happen to recall the name of the video/channel that recommended Witch Hat Atelier? I believe I may have seen the same video pop up on my youtube homepage. Curious to know which content creators you trust so implicitly that you would buy an entire series based on their recommendation.
Yeah, I read Witch Hat Atelier vol.1 based on recomendations. Unfortunately although the art (particularly the occasional colour page) was gorgeous I felt the story was aimed at too young an age range and was very much a retread of other works.
The part of Siege that was SUPPOSED to be interesting was the fact that he was a sentient being who had memories but no actual feeling of what he was doing or anything. He was essentially AI made from the memories of John Kelly but couldn't;t really process never really came through in the stories for some reason. He also had all of Michael's memories for as long as Michael was in the Deathlok cyborg...which is mentioned in this issue...and could have been fodder for a much more intriguing story. My intent with bring Siege and Timestream into the book was to give the book it's own group of characters that were created for this book. When we had the opportunity to to an Infinity Crusade crossover...I had hoped it would bring in some readers to try the book out again...especially since I had utilized Timestream to bring back the Demolisher in a couple different ways...trying to give every reader something they could was too late, but man Kevin's art is so good...
Always appreciate the Delaware shout outs when they crop up.
Loved the Avengers cartoon book by Ty and company. It was probably not easy to do a book based on a Saturday morning cartoon in the BTAS era, especially a toyetic one.
As someone who bought everything Ty’s name was on I definitely owned Avengers United They Stand and found it to be very very good. It was mostly stories written as prequels if I recall which helped avoid the armor designs. And I was sad when it ended (but not surprised as I didn’t even try the cartoon at all. And if that failed… why have the tie in?)
Looks like I got rid of the comics earlier this year when I purged my collection from 20 boxes down to 3.
And now I regret it (luckily I held on to Stig’s Inferno)
I think the answer to most of your questions every week is in due time
Yet doesn’t stop (seeming the same) people from asking them every week. 😀
I get a lot of people being passionate or not reading past posts but it’s a little redundant just enjoy the ride Jean’s in an amazing place right now
Happy birthday to your mother! I lost mine 2 years ago at the age of 74 this month. Cherish every moment you can.
Our relationship wasn't always good, but I do miss her.
In honor of your mom, who's the best mom in the Marvel Universe?
Tom, I love how much your mom is a part of your origin story. That's incredibly sweet. Happy birthday to her!
Mine was also instrumental to who I am. When I was ten years old I showed her a drawing I did of She-Hulk and she said "that's just a guy with boobs" and I realized I still had a lot of work to do
Tom, we see Emma snooping into the lives of some mutants at the end of Exceptional X-Men #1, and among these mutants are Banshee and Bishop. Can we expect more information about them or will we have to wait a little longer? I mean, if they're in any future projects.
I remember you saying something about Sean being in an interesting position on a project that hasn't been announced yet, but that we should hear about by the end of the year. Now I don't remember reading anything about Bishop.
Tom, how were the talks to bring Bobby Drake to Exceptional X-Men? I'm so happy that we finally get to see him again, especially in my new favorite book in From The Ashes. So excited to see what Eve has in store for him.
With the recent news of yet another Chris Claremont X-Men miniseries in the works, I have to ask: have you considered giving him an Infinity ongoing instead? Something with the space and flexibility to let him do the kind of long-form storytelling he's actually famous for, and which isn't dependent on the pressures of the direct market? I'm just saying, if Love Unlimited ran for 70 issues, maybe X-Men Legends could too...
Happy Birthday to your mom! Mine’s ninety, not into sci-fi but a keen mystery fan. On tarot cards: There is more to do with them than predicting futures. There is a game, popular since the Renaissance, called tarrocki Tarot cards were invented for card played in Italy around 1420. (I have no first or even third level authentication on this, so the date’s a mad grab in the dark) roughly around the time when card games with trick taking became populat amoung the wealthy. At about the same time a game called Karnoffel became popular and was played in Germany using ordinary playing cards. You can find directions and rules for play for tarrocki or tarroco on Wikipedia under ‘tarot card games’ or at
My mother is slightly older than yours but she's pure Trekkie too. We went to every opening day for Star Trek and she was there every time. She's even why I was exposed to ST:TNG when it debuted and am a hardcore fan of the franchise to this day.
Some questions about the books tho': I'm probably skipping Phoenix from here on out because I've never been into Marvel cosmic books and it feels more like them than an X-Title. If the title doesn't succeed, do you think you'll go with bringing Jean home or just end it? Jean currently being a Silver Surfer level character has me expecting radical changes.
I'd also like to see even some of the Simone humor in Uncanny. #1 was too bleak and depressing to my taste and devoid of most of Simone's usual dialog that could have dispelled the doom and gloom somewhat. I'm also sorry to say X-Factor left me cold. It seemed like characters were forced to act in ways to support a ham fisted commentary type of plot.
Something that kinda irks me about Spider-Man is how he gets multiple love interests. While I understand that Peter being in relationships with other characters could be fun or interesting, I feel that it often clashes with the whole “relatable guy” aspect. What’s your stance on that?
Happy birthday to you Mom, Tom. Besides the fact that your Mom is super gorgeous at both ages in the pictures you shared, she sounds like a very fun Mum. So, congratulations to you too for having such a wonderful Mom.
Happy birthday to your mother!
Would you happen to recall the name of the video/channel that recommended Witch Hat Atelier? I believe I may have seen the same video pop up on my youtube homepage. Curious to know which content creators you trust so implicitly that you would buy an entire series based on their recommendation.
Yeah, I read Witch Hat Atelier vol.1 based on recomendations. Unfortunately although the art (particularly the occasional colour page) was gorgeous I felt the story was aimed at too young an age range and was very much a retread of other works.
The part of Siege that was SUPPOSED to be interesting was the fact that he was a sentient being who had memories but no actual feeling of what he was doing or anything. He was essentially AI made from the memories of John Kelly but couldn't;t really process never really came through in the stories for some reason. He also had all of Michael's memories for as long as Michael was in the Deathlok cyborg...which is mentioned in this issue...and could have been fodder for a much more intriguing story. My intent with bring Siege and Timestream into the book was to give the book it's own group of characters that were created for this book. When we had the opportunity to to an Infinity Crusade crossover...I had hoped it would bring in some readers to try the book out again...especially since I had utilized Timestream to bring back the Demolisher in a couple different ways...trying to give every reader something they could was too late, but man Kevin's art is so good...
Tom, is there any possibility of Emma and Monet interacting in this new phase of the X-Men? They were both so fun in Generation X.
Always appreciate the Delaware shout outs when they crop up.
Loved the Avengers cartoon book by Ty and company. It was probably not easy to do a book based on a Saturday morning cartoon in the BTAS era, especially a toyetic one.
As someone who bought everything Ty’s name was on I definitely owned Avengers United They Stand and found it to be very very good. It was mostly stories written as prequels if I recall which helped avoid the armor designs. And I was sad when it ended (but not surprised as I didn’t even try the cartoon at all. And if that failed… why have the tie in?)
Looks like I got rid of the comics earlier this year when I purged my collection from 20 boxes down to 3.
And now I regret it (luckily I held on to Stig’s Inferno)
Shout out to Stig’s Inferno, one of my favorite 80s Indy books.