As we get closer to the MLB postseason, and since the X-Men are obviously big baseball fans, who do you think are the favorite baseball teams of each of the flagship leaders (Rogue, Cyclops, Emma+Kate)? Feel free to throw in any other character(s) you feel passionately about lol

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Pretty sure Kitty was established as a Cubs fan, at least as far back as the Excalibur days.

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My GOD that sketchbook. Incredible.

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What a gift! Love those pieces, particularly Stuart’s one. And wow, Adam Kubert’s handwriting is impeccable!

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You left out X-Force again

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Thank you for sharing that sketchbook. That's an amazing piece. I'm thinking Butch Guice needs to do a full Doom cover someday.

Do you have a favorite memory from Baltimore?

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What a wonderful gift!

Here is my question for this week!

When you bring in an outside writer who usually works in other mediums, do you impart any tips, tricks, rules, guidelines etc. about writing for comics and specifically Marvel Comics?

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A while back Tom posted the guide his office would give writers coming to Marvel Comics from movies with tips/ tricks/rules. I tried using the newsletter "search" function but couldn't find it, maybe you'll be luckier. It's there somewhere...

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Congrats, Tom. on being awarded the Ringo Dick Giordano Humanitarian of the Year Award https://bleedingcool.com/comics/all-the-winners-of-the-ringo-awards-2024-at-baltimore-comic-con/

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Looks like he only presented that award (to Klaus Janson) and actually received the Lifetime Achievement Award - awesome! Congratulations Tom!

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Years, I did something similar when the then manager (now owner) of captain blue hen got married and I spent most of SDCC getting wedding-related sketches, many of which I’d lined up ahead of time. A lot of the sketches were from friends of mine or Joe or both, so everyone was happy to do them and, perhaps more wonderfully, free of charge. (It was the late 90s, so getting sketches were not like today)

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I read an old fanzine blurb on how Kurt Busiek was planning a Madame Masque mini series - any memory of what this would have been about? I guess this was on his time on Avengers?

I always loved the character - great femme fatale and frenemy for Stark and the Avengers.

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Got a question that can also give you an excuse to plug: I've really been enjoying the new X-FACTOR series and was curious what went into the selection process for the members of the team? Were there any that have surprised you with how well they've been handled?

Also, you don't have to tell us what, but is the return of any other classic X-book on the horizon for 2025?

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What was the process of getting Declan Shalvey to do Mystique? Like, I'm assuming he's not currently on a Marvel contract, so it wasn't just spreading the pitch around the office. Did you specifically reach out to him suggesting a Mystique project?

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I am so jealous about your sketchbook! It's fantastic, pardon the pun. I do have to say Stuart totally captured you perfectly.

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