Is the Kanigher book still commercially available- or would you rather aspiring comic writers such as this author consult more contemporary volumes instead?

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Hey tom. I might be in the minority here but I thought I'd just say that the dialogue in Uncanny X-Men by gail simone is a bit embarrassing at times.. Also, can you explain on gail's behalf the comments Wolverine made towards one of the new mutants referring to them as "Manga boy"?

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Oct 13·edited Oct 13

Random thoughts on this week's great (as usual) newsletter:

- would love to see Matt Wagner on Thor or Captain America or Invaders..very cool casting

- loved the Dematteis/Zeck Deathlok Cap story - now I gotta reread it - I think it would make a great movie too (Chris Evans time travelling after Endgame..but who would we cast as Deathlok? Mahershala Ali maybe?)

- and yes please continue a behind the scenes look at a series after Deathlok - new warriors would be fun - just for the glimpse inside that 90s era of Marvel or even better Thunderbolts! (maybe jump around between issues with fun behind the scenes stories)

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Hello, Tom! With the new Venom movie coming out I’ve always wondered what was the reason for moving from Eddie Brock to Mac Gargan in the Marvel Knights: Spider-Man series from 2004? I know you’ve expressed you didn’t really care for Eddie back in the day but it always seemed like Mac was a step down character wise. Appreciate any insight!

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So I recently read the most recent two issues of Amazing Spider-Man (58 and 59), and the fight scene between Spidey and Tombstone, to my eyes, is one of the finest fight scenes in comics I've ever seen. Zeb Wells and John Romita, Jr., put together a fantastic panel sequence over the issues. Every panel is important in setting the rhythm of the fight, and there's no shortcuts. The fight goes from the top of a skyscraper to the tracks of the New York subway. The fight scene isn't just a few choice poses; it's a choreographed extended fight scene that in my mind is one of the best things I've ever seen in comics.

I know it's not one of your books, but I was wondering if you saw these issues. And as someone who's read as many comics as anyone I know, do you have a favorite fight scene or two?

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As the internet's foremost Newwarriorologist (self-appointed, not entirely seriously, not a real job), I'd love to hear some stories of your time on that series - even if there aren't ups and downs in the way you experienced on Deathlok, it would still be very interesting to hear how the month-to-month decisions were made during what was no doubt an eventful time to be working at Marvel.

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I didn’t know you were a Sorkin fan. So am I. In fact, a West Wing spec broke me into Hollywood and, like you, I’ve been binging old WW eps to wash the taste of the election from my mouth. 👊

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That gender “analysis” re the word X-Men reminds me of the irony of the Brian Wood run on C-Men in which the entire team were women.

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In regard to the end of Deathlok, do most creators who find out their title is axed understand you're not doing it out of personal spite? That this probably isn't the best part of your day, either?

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Congrats on 30 years!! You've actually been married longer than me! As I reread these NOW I can see so many things so much clearer. I really don't think the multiple Deathlok's were the problem. I think the need to explain so many different pasts and histories made the story difficult to follow. Coming from Mark Gruenwald's office, I was taught to over-explain...(yeah that's a BS excuse). This storyline was inspired by a letter I got wanting the series to be more FUN, with time-travel and the original Deaathlok and mutants and everything. I love time travel and especially going back into stories that already happened...but...it was definitely confusing. Unfortunately I believe the chaos of multiple artists ultimately sank us...nobody knew what they were going tog et and just gave up. I thought it was really smart of you to reprint the Cpatain America/ Deathlok storyline and really thought people would buy a ton of that and then buy our book and see that we were once again FUN. On a side note, this issue Kevin Kobasic decided that he was going to alter my full script in a few places, giving more time to certain scenes and less time to others...this is a case where having an artist that you really gel with is so beneficial. Kevin really thought the scene where Michael's family were leaving and his son Nick was just not accepting it were really crucial and made some significant story-telling changes that were definitely spot on! I can never say enough great things about Kevin's work on this title with me.

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Tom, I believe Emma's fans were going crazy over the new previews for Exceptional X-Men #3, where she appears to be using telekinesis. As someone who frequents a lot of X-Men forums, I have to say that although fans of the character LOVE it when she shows herself to be powerful, many of them weren't happy with this particular manifestation of power. In fact, it displeased Emma fans, Jean fans, and X-Men fans in general. Yes, they're pretty insufferable when it comes to these topics...

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Tom, the final pages of the From The Ashes books tease three mysterious new books that are on the way. Some people were theorizing that they could be Magik, Wolverine and Cable (titles already announced). Is there a bit of truth to this or are more new titles really on the way?

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I confess I really liked STUDIO 60 ON THE SUNSET STRIP!

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Well, *clearly* Marvel needs a librarian to watch over the collection in a hawk-like and unrelenting manner.

That just so happens to describe me! Where should I send my resume to?

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On the subject of the Marvel library, how much of the non superhero content is there? Romance, Western, Sci Fi, etc…

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Congratulations on your anniversary!

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