"How often do we talk about Utopia these days?" ... there are comic book runs and there are comic book runs. The influential, impactful, fondly remembered ones will always be talked about. I would expect Krakoa to be mentioned often for many, many years to come in the same way that Claremont and Morrison's X-Men runs were (and still are).

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What are your thoughts on non-mutant characters being members of an X-team? Obviously Deadpool and Juggernaut aren’t mutants, but they’re so tied to X-Men history that them being members of mutant teams doesn’t feel off. Can you see other non-mutant characters being on X-teams this era? (Ex: Quicksilver, Fantomex, Omega Sentinel, etc)

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Wait Fantomex isn’t a mutant? Learn something new everyday I suppose

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Thank you very much for responding.

I haven't yet had the opportunity to say how happy I am for having chosen Jed McKay correctly to write Cyclops and the main X-MEN in this continuity.

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In response to your reply to my question:

The current crop of X books are not being written by veteran X writers. That’s what I mean when I say there’s no X book on the market for me. Every so often there will be a one-shot or a flashback miniseries but nothing set in the present-day 616 universe.

Ever since Mr. Claremont was fired from UXM in 2006, I have only read X books written by him or other 80s/90s X-writers. I have no interest in Millennial or Zoomer writers. On a related note, I haven’t read a Spider-Man book since Marvel ended The Marriage and I won’t read Spidey again until The Marriage is restored (yes, I am aware of Ultimate Spider-Man).

Just to be clear, are you saying Mr. Claremont and other veteran X writers will never write another ongoing series set in present-day 616 during your tenure?

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I remember your shtick from Bleeding Cool and The Beat. Its just hate, and you called for current writers to be shot.

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Unfortunately, it appears that is likely the case for one of the writers you mentioned. You may be unaware that unfortunately a bit over two years ago Peter David suffered a series of health ailments ranging from a mild heart attack, to strokes, to kidney problems, along with various infections. It doesn't appear he's been able to return home since. My impression is that he wouldn't be up for writing an ongoing series; I'm not sure if he could do limited series over time (i.e. get a "timeless" assignment that could come out at any time and take as long as it takes to get it done).

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From one of his wife’s recent updates, she was trying to set up him with a device that would allow him to write via dictation.

I thought his Symbiote Spider-Man 2099 miniseries from last year had been written post-stroke, but that must not have been the case.

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Keep in mind that Peter David's current health situation may prevent him from current assignments. Marvel's been very good about giving him new assignments lately.

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as respectfully as I can say this (and as someone who is also not a fan of Peter’s direction post OMD), have you considered broadening your tastes? You’re missing some of the best comics of the past 30 years.

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The whole appeal of Spider-Man to me is that he’s a married superhero. I was invested in his marriage to Mary Jane for twenty years and still am.

If they’re not going to restore the marriage, at least bring back an ongoing Spider-Girl series from Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz. That was the natural evolution of the franchise.

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Chris Claremont has a new Kitty Pryde and wolverine mini series coming out this year.

And the What if starring Rogue that came out last week by Ann Nocenti was brilliant. A great one shot by a legendary writer.

Jed McKay is one of the newer writers I really enjoy as well and would recommend his Xmen book.

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Miniseries set in the past and alt-universe one shots. I’m asking for ongoings set in present-day 616.

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If I’m not mistaken one of those writers will probably never be asked back, without getting into further detail (not hard to find)

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If you’re talking about Scott Lobdell, there is no reason to not use him.

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…you don’t consider sexual harrassment a reason to avoid working with someone?

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"And yes, doing a CAPTAIN BRITAIN project isn’t a priority for me right this second"

Well, if ever that changes, I'll be first through the door! At least we have Cap B Prime and Askani in X-Force. I frame every variant cover of the two of them, I'm a pretty easy mark. I'm sure it's too early, but I hope there's plans for them in this year's Pride special?

Peter should just bring Brian along for one of his Spider-Verse events. Sure Brian still owes him backrent for college, but that's no reason to steal his whole multiverse schtick!

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Actually I also wanted to ask because it got caught in my brain, what constitutes a "top-flight" creator? There are creators that have said they like this or that character but I guess don't qualify as top-flight, is it name recognition?

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I loved your opening quote this week. Your newsletter brings great joy every weekend, and I thank you for it.

I have a difficult question, and if you choose to ignore it, I totally understand.

What is the status of Miracleman: The Dark Age? Has the script been delivered? If so, is Mark currently working on it?

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I would suspect that, even if the scripts were delivered, that the series would be up in the air, after the very disturbing revelations about Neil Gaiman.

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I had a similar question last week. Hopefully Buckingham just does it all to wrap things up.

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You mentioned you felt you weren't "up to the task" of keeping Nova a high-selling title. Nova was the second spinoff of New Warriors being put out during the apex of the 1990s comics crash. In retrospect, was there anything you think could have done?

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Thanks, as always, for the detailed answer.

I'm curious how much thought goes into the amount of comics that are released each month. Obviously there's a minimum to keep the lights on, and a maximum before diminishing returns, but how is this organised? Is there a company wide person in charge, or do you as head of the X-Men like have a min and max number you have to deliver between?

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Isn't it a little arrogant to tell a customer who politely explains that your current product isn't appealing to them that they're just wrong and the solution is simply for them to buy more of what you're already putting out? I could understand "We can't appeal to everybody" or "We'll keep trying" but this sounds like somebody with zero concern for doing the best job they can.

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The dude only wants to read books from writers who wrote in the 80s and 90s. He said as much in this thread. If Tom doesn’t want to work with those specific writers for whatever reason, it doesn’t matter how good the book actually is, he still won’t buy it.

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Hence, "We can't appeal to everybody."

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Regarding the possible Cyclops limited series, my God, I'm going to sleep very happily this Sunday dreaming of this moment.

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Stephanie Phillips and the Phoenix, I think we ask about Stephanie because she has taken down her X. She only had Instagram and TikTok. So, when the fans ask about Phoenix, we ask you, Tom. Why? Because you are the editor in charge.

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It's still up and she answers questions on tik tok

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Last week I left a big spiel about the latest solo X-books I read so I guess this week I’ll do the team books. Granted I’m waiting on the last two parts of Graymalkin to read the first two.

I’m desperately waiting for more Exceptional to arrive, it’s my favorite X-book right now. The characters (old and new) are shining in it.

Uncanny Issue 6 finally addressed some of my concerns about the outliers being boring, I feel like all four of them got focus and development this issue that makes the book 3 times as interesting! I’d dare to say I find them more appealing than the main crew right now. We referenced Shogo finally in this issue as well, I’d like to see him come back, it’s so strange how Jubilee just…stopped being a mom. It was a super cool development for her, especially as an adoptive parent!

Untitle X-men is still solid, Idie is a character I liked from a few years before Krakoa, so I enjoy seeing her again. Mackay is a very solid writer.

X-force is finally settling into a story, less monster of the week, more focus on Sage and Forge and the new baddie. I think Rachel and Betsy are next for focus? Which I’m excited about!

NYX can be so fun at times, even though I’m finding myself at odds with Prodigy’s “hot takes” more often than not each issue. I think this book might be at its best when it embraces the queer allegory, especially for Kamala and Anole (my two favorites). (Also I’m still bothered by Tommy/David being written off without even a panel of context to the breakup)

And I guess that leave X-factor? I almost dropped this book, but issue 3 had me cracking up about the immortal Granny saving the day, so I decided to keep going with it.

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Oh for X-Factor, did Polaris show up after that one guy had died? Or did she just miss him falling through the sky? I Wana say it’s the former but the latter is kind of a funny mental image… poor Dr Reyes though

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Her X is not

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With this being a pretty big year for the Fantastic Four, in comics and out, has there been any talk about bringing back the "World's Greatest Comic Magazine" tagline?

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How much legal challenge is involved in bringing characters from other media into the comics?

Let's say, an X-writer wants to introduce the Earth-616 version of Eclipse/Marcos Diaz, a mutant created for "The Gifted" tv show (and for the sake of this argument, his inclusion makes sense and works well for the story). Do you have the power to approve that, unilaterally as the X-Editor or together with other editors, or are there lawyers who must pour over the contracts before such an idea can even be discussed?

Would that process be different for Ms. Chen from the Venom movies (made by Sony and thus not under Disney umbrella)?

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Any upcoming projects with Steve Epting coming up?

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When a writer is working on multiple concurrent titles, how much more difficult is it for an editor if the titles are managed by different editorial offices?

This could obviously apply to Jed MacKay’s current Avengers & X-Men books, but I was specifically thinking back to 2012-ish, when Bendis had mutliple Avengers books under your purview and Hickman was juggling 2 Fantastic Four books edited by you while another team was editing his (first) fairly radical of the Ultimate Comics line.

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