I understand why some people may feel differently, but I would be thrilled if Marvel continued to publish a variety of X-titles as there’s so many characters that deserve a spotlight. I understand the cost of picking up multiple titles is not an easy one.

Also, it’s interesting to learn about the issues involving plotting Avengers vs the JLA. All that aside, I really enjoyed the mini-series and am so glad it was done since we’ll probably never see those kind of crossovers again. I love to go back and read it every couple of years or so.

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Less is more with the X-Men. Fewer, less interlocking titles would be perfect.

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For some yes. But there’s so many interesting mutants and everyone has a favorite. As long as the titles are distinct and aren’t required to be read to understand everything I don’t see why we can’t have several. I say have two flagship titles (Uncanny and Adjectivesless; like the good old days) and 4 or so ancillary titles.

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Less is more.

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I agree on the X-Men. You'll always have Wolverine solo titles and most times Gambit and I only like Wolverine as a team member and have never liked Gambit. Restricting the X-Line arbitrarily would keep those others with tastes similar to mine from having X-Books they like.

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That FF outline by Jemas is horrible for too many reasons to mention! lol

Quick question this week: any future interior work by Stuart Immonen ? Those Avengers cover as amazing!

The Marvel 75th sounds brilliant - have to track down a copy!

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The Marvel 75th is available on Comixology. I bought it based on Tom's description and enjoyed it very much!

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BAT LASH was collected in one of the B&W "Showcase Presents..." volumes, but is definitely in need of a classier presentation.

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Oddly enough, the Showcase collection uses the same cover Tom showed here. Copies of it are currently going for $20-30 on Amazon.

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Yep, I bought this collection. But would rebuy it in color I suspect.

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Tom - For a very thorough examination of the problems of reprinting and recoloring old comics, I recommend looking up José Villarrubia's page on Facebook. He has a photo album titled "From a Colorist's Perspective" where he compares original printings and reprintings, and explains why he believes the latter are often lacking.

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Looking forward to hear what you think of JUSTIFIED: CITY PRIMEVAL. Without being too spoiler-y, I thought it was a great Elmore Leonard show, but Raylan's involvement didn't seem necessary at all— he could have been ANY law enforcement figure from outside Detroit— until the last episode when I thought "Oh! So this case DOES change his status quo. I guess that… Justifies it, to some extent." But then that EPILOGUE— !

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Nothing to say today Tom other than thanks. I never did get around to reading some of those books you mentioned, so have just ordered up copies of the Marvel 75th book, and Marvel Age 1000 😊 (maybe the ones you mentioned could all be collected in a trade).

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I was the opposite during Covid as early on I heard a TV news report that Covid could end up in your hair, so I obsessively wore a hat until a nurse told me it was nonsense. That and not getting a haircut for 3 1/2 years was another good reason to wear it.

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Here we go again, now they're messing with another indelible part of Marvel history!!!111 The Man with a Hat with NO HAT!??!! I even heard a rumor that in an upcoming issue, Tom Brevoort casually mentions that he HATES HATS!!! #Hatshtag

Also man, Bill Jemas is a gold mine. That description of Sue oh my god, and are there any male character comparisons other than Ralph Kramden?

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Johnny Storm trying to make it on Broadway? Can't resist posting this clip from the infamous '90s FF cartoon of The Human Torch's "Flame On" song https://youtu.be/38VBv0ZenZU?si=2Fz-dNSdwW6gc7MO

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I read the 75th Anniversary Special for the first time recently on Marvel Unlimited, and you are correct! Well worth any Marvel readers time, a beautiful collection.

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I am disgusted, nay! Outraged! to learn that the man with a hat is not in fact wearing a hat at ALL times. I was about to erupt into red-hot fury until I considered the semantic point about a "man WITH a hat".

Grudgingly and with much sighing, I concede we have not in fact been duped but, by God, this is some technical shenanigans and we will be avenged!!

Perhaps I too, being possessed of a hat but never wearing it, shall start a newsletter of the same name! I don't know what it would be about but that shan't stop me. Not when I have this white-hot indignation to power me into a righteous fury of which the reading masses would surely wish to be aware. Many missives will be sent about the decline of hat wearing and it's clear correlation with the descent of civilisation.

Yes indeed. My villain origin story is complete. You shall rue the day, No-Hat-Man!!!

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While I am working on my outrage, I am in shock at the Jemas revamp doc for FF. What can he have been thinking? I'm no comic book writer but turning them into a poor sitcom with a side of super-heroics seems so utterly misconceived - what of the existing readers? Who are the readers for this crazy new direction?

This doc illustrates succinctly what you've alluded to in previous Jemas stories about the man's erratic decision making.

Being charitable, I suppose sometimes we encourage leaders to swing big and take a chance - but that's surely got to be tempered with some understanding of what makes a particular character/team sing. Wild.

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Who decides what issues merit a house ad? I’m assuming Fantastic Four #700, an extra-sized anniversary issue, got one…but that Fantastic Four #699 did not. Has anyone tracked if house ad-boosted issues get a sales nudge? Is it more of a reminder that it's coming out, the way Coke isn't buying ads to tell you about this thing called "soda" you might not have heard of before?

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Kind of a side bar question. You're an OG Marvel editor with A LOT of experience under your wings. When it comes to mutants and DE&I its come with a lot of expectations baked in. You have one side thinking that its woke and pandering and you have the other side that genuinely wants to see themselves represented on panel. For example, I am Hispanic/Latino and I've wanted the X-Office to really elevate a Hispanic/Latino character for a long time by spotlighting and giving them that character arc to get to A-list levels. (I know writer/artist combos are also vital in this). But to get them to the level of Cyclops, Storm or Jean would be great. IMO. They did this with Synch in this current era in a great way. How do you find that balance of wanting more diversity but making sure it doesnt come off forced. Is it working closely with the writers? Looking through your catalog of latino/hispanic mutants to see who has the potential and the blank slate to be properly explored? Or is it just bring in more writers that are Latino/Hispanic to get that perspective? Is that just not something that is really thought about? I know its not great to think "oh we need an asian character a black character a gay character" like your checking off boxes but if Marvel is the world we see outside our window it would make sense for those types of individuals to be vital in the X-Men line. We have Wind Dancer and Magma that could be spotlighted and elevated in new ways. Rictor is around. As well as a few others. But it would be awesome to have a Latino/Hispanic character elevated and spotlighted in a way that can have a lot of us reconnect with them. But thats all. Just some thoughts I wanted to write out.

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That Bill Jemas characterization of Sue is disturbing. It seems Bill has a derogatory view of women. The rest of the family wasn't described is such derogatory fashion.

The working class idea for a sit com type of comic is a fun idea.

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